St Cyrus Beach, Scotland: Cohenising 2016

Gwen Heart

Everybody Knows it is my mission to Cohenise every beach I go to, and this was my second time to get the chance to Cohenise St Cyrus in Scotland, on my second annual visit to my friend Mandy’s home. That friend, who is my friend thanks to our meeting in Lissadell for Leonard’s concerts there in 2010. Thanks Leonard! Photo by Mandy. Visit to St Cyrus was on July 28th.



“the chain’s too tight”. It is normally the preceding line of I’m Your Man that I find inspiration for, (seeing as I am moon obsessed), but seeing this piece of wood with the hanging chain made me immediately think of this line! Of course I then had to enact the line while Mandy got me the obligatory photo!


2 thoughts on “St Cyrus Beach, Scotland: Cohenising 2016

  1. Eileen says:

    Loved reading your ‘letter’ to Leonard! Filled with tears….You are so much younger than I but I loved him from late 60’s and you have discovered him so much later. Can’t believe how you bonded with him so much.

    • Thank you. I’ve always said I was born 30 years too late. I would give anything to have been around for the start of Leonard’s career. As it was I was very blessed. I treasure my memories everyday. I miss him everyday, and the grief is as raw now as it was when he passed.

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